

Build your own booking platform with Prestashop.

Designed to help brands easily add room rental and booking capabilities to their catalogue.

Whether you‘re looking to rent out individual rooms, luxury villas, holiday cottages, or even airport transfer services, ToolE’s Property Rental & Booking Manager makes it easy.

Users can easily create and manage rental listings, availability calendars, bookings, and payments.

property rental advertisement feature image build your own for prestashop

Real time availability with accurate prices according to group and dates.

Booking confirmation and standard Prestashop secure payment process.

One-click installation, no need to modify core files, no complex installation process.

The module is designed for the default theme. Third-party themes may provide management systems to place the budget module components and affect the design and styling.

Technical changes to ensure the module works as expected are included in the support package.

Third party theme changes to component locations, or to change the styling, are included in the ZEN support package.

Property Rental & Booking Manager

Property Rental & Booking Manager


  • Real time availability.
  • Accurate prices according to group and dates.
    Booking confirmation
    Standard Prestashop secure payment process.
  • One-click installation, no need to modify core files, no complex installation process.
  • The module is designed for the default theme. Third party themes may provide their own management systems to place the budget module components and may affect the design and styling.
  • When installing on a third-party theme, additional changes may be necessary to improve the visual style.
  • Technical changes to ensure the module works as expected are included in the support package.
  • Third party theme changes to component locations, or to change the styling, are included in the ZEN support package.
Property Rental & Booking Manager - ToolE for Prestashop advertisement download image

Create your own with Prestashop.

Manage your rental and booking operations more efficiently with Property Rental & Booking Manager.

The advanced search and filter capabilities make finding the right rental a breeze; with additional features such as customer reviews and ratings, you can give your customers a more personalised experience.

The ToolE Property Rental & Booking Manager is fully integrated with Prestashop, providing a seamless experience for users.

The Manager conveniently communicates with third–party booking providers, such as Airbnb or, so your customers can book their desired destination without ever needing to leave your website.

Create your own with Prestashop.

The advanced search and filter capabilities make finding the right rental a breeze; with additional features such as customer reviews and ratings, you can give your customers a more personalised experience.

The ToolE Property Rental & Booking Manager is fully integrated with Prestashop, providing a seamless experience for users.

The Manager conveniently communicates with third–party booking providers, such as Airbnb or, so your customers can book their desired destination without ever needing to leave your website.

Manage your rental and booking operations more efficiently with Property Rental & Booking Manager.

Property Rental & Booking Manager

Property Rental & Booking Manager

Airbnb Booking Manager

Connect to your Amazon Seller Account

Airbnb Booking Manager

Free multilingual Customer Service

Vacation Rental Channel Manager

Connect to your Amazon Seller Account

Vacation Rental Channel Manager

Select your products that you would like to manage as properties.

Having trouble?

We are here to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have feel free to contact us at [email protected] or consult our help-center for more detailed tutorials.